<aside> <img src="/icons/binoculars_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/binoculars_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Below is an up to date list of the changes we make to the whomso product. If you’d like to suggest a feature or want additional information on anything we’ve built, please contact us here.


Version 1.4


Our old editor wasn’t as flexible as we wanted it to be so we’ve upgraded it to a far superior one. The editor now allows you to add blocks in a drag and drop interface, undo and redo changes, and view on other device types.

Version 1.3


Our product is enabling asynchronous or self-serve sales and so it made no sense to have a manual onboarding process. We’ve added SSO for Google and LinkedIn - both of which will be integrations we build on in future.

Version 1.2


Analytics was something we knew we needed to add pretty quickly so we’ve built some basic data points to understand when your pages are being looked at. We have big plans to improve this but for the time being it’s a good signal of intent.

Version 1.1 (1 May)
